"Enforcing and Protecting"
From The Desk Of The President
John (JR) Macon
Welcome to the National Postal Mail Handlers Union Local 329's web site!
I am John (JR) Macon the local’s president. This site was established to inform, educate and serve the constituents of Local 329 which consist of fifteen facilities within the states of Tennessee and Arkansas. One of the most important responsibilities of our union is to inform, educate, unite and protect Mail Handler’s contractual and regulatory rights. These four initiatives will create a more unified and resilient craft which allow us to compete with other crafts for new and existing work.
Working men and women, the Postal Service is rapidly changing and similar to our union brothers and sisters across our great nation; we must hoist the Postal Service on our backs and diversify into work that utilizes more machinery and electronics. To attain these goals and remain competitive we must avoid the pitfalls of the past; by continuing to prosper economically; sharing knowledge which is the great equalizer and protecting the working environment and jurisdictional rights of each Mail Handler. Since ascending to office in 2009 I have led and collaborated with your local union leaders in decreasing our liabilities and increasing and stabilizing our assets. These positive factors increase our bargaining power with postal management and if necessary open up avenues within the grievance arbitration procedure when our rights, goals and objectives are attacked and/or endangered.
329ers, our web site will contain pertinent information to assist our stewards and representatives in the enforcement of our Collective Bargaining Agreement and protecting the rights of those in the Mail Handlers' craft. This site will contain the necessary forms that will assist in enhancing our working environment! It will also have the references needed to help establish and layout a strong legal case with the proper language. In addition our site will give each Mail Handler an opportunity to view and compare their work site with other facilities throughout our Local. Co-workers you also will be able to contact me by E-mail with any questions, concerns and suggestions on the “Contact Us” page, so I urge each of you to take full advantage of your site and let’s continue the fight..."in Solidarity!"